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Poster Award at ISBBB in Guelph (Canada)

PhD students of the Chair of Forest Biomaterials particapted at the ISBBB (International Symposium on Bioplastics, Biocomposites and Biorefining) 2014 in Canada and won a poster award.

From the 19.05.-24.05.2014 the ISBBB (International Symposium on Bioplastics, Biocomposites and Biorefining) took place at the university of Guelph. This is a very renowned conference in the field of sustainability and Bioplastics.
Three PhD candidates of our research group had the opportunity to present their work as posters or talks and get to know experts from the field.
Ricarda Böhm won the third price in the poster presentations.

During the conference a lot of networking and discussions with people from the Bioplastics field was possible and the group from Freiburg made a lot of new friendships.