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Hansjürg-Steinlin-Preis for Danny García

For his doctoral thesis “Pinus pinaster (Ait.) bark tannin and its hydroxypropyl derivatives as building-blocks for bio-material design” , Dr. Danny Eugenio García Marrero was awarded the “Hansjürg-Steinlin-Preis” by the Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources.

The award ceremony took place as part of the official opening of the Academic Year 2015/2016 by Rector Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Schiewer on Oct. 21st 2015.  Dr. Garcia is one of 3 recipients from the Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources to be recognized with this award.

It is also a special honor for the Chair of Forest Biomaterials to count among its doctoral graduates an awardee of the “Hansjürg-Steinlin-Preis”, since Prof. Dr. Hansjürg Steinlin was the founding director of the former Institute of Forest Utilization and Work Science (FobAwi), from which the Chair of Forest Biomaterials emerged in 2013.

Dr. García is currently a scientist at the Technological Development Unit of the University of Concepción, Chile, where he continues his work on bio-based chemicals and materials. Warm congratulations to Danny from all Biomaters!